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False: The European Union has introduced a personal carbon credit system.
Climate-General Economics-Business

False: The European Union has introduced a personal carbon credit system.

Misleading: Polar Bear populations have increased.

Misleading: Polar Bear populations have increased.

False: Just Stop Oil is funded by the World Economic Forum.
Climate-General Conspiracies-World Economic Forum

False: Just Stop Oil is funded by the World Economic Forum.

False: Cold weather events like the recent New York snowstorm prove that climate change is not real.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General

False: Cold weather events like the recent New York snowstorm prove that climate change is not real.

Misleading: The British Army has been deployed on the M25 motorway in the U.K. to evacuate Just Stop Oil protestors.
Climate-General Events-Activism Politics-Policy

Misleading: The British Army has been deployed on the M25 motorway in the U.K. to evacuate Just Stop Oil protestors.

False: The United Nations partnered with Google to suppress public access to climate change-related data.
Climate-General Economics-Business Tech-Business

False: The United Nations partnered with Google to suppress public access to climate change-related data.

False: Tornado and hurricane control device patents prove that the deep state controls disasters.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General

False: Tornado and hurricane control device patents prove that the deep state controls disasters.

False: The 2022 wildfires in California are not proof of climate change.
Climate-General Events-Natural Disasters Politics-General

False: The 2022 wildfires in California are not proof of climate change.

False: The deep state created Hurricane Ian to target red states.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General Events-Natural Disasters

False: The deep state created Hurricane Ian to target red states.

False: The video shows a black cloud over East Palestine, Ohio, after a train carrying chemical materials derailed in the area.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General

False: The video shows a black cloud over East Palestine, Ohio, after a train carrying chemical materials derailed in the area.

Misleading: Mexico is banning chemtrails by shutting down solar geoengineering experiments.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General Politics-Policy

Misleading: Mexico is banning chemtrails by shutting down solar geoengineering experiments.

False: Edward Snowden revealed HAARP's global assassination agenda.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General Conspiracies-Depopulation Tech-General

False: Edward Snowden revealed HAARP's global assassination agenda.

False: Video shows stormy weather during Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand.
Climate-General Events-Natural Disasters

False: Video shows stormy weather during Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand.

False: The LOIS project in Sweden is part of the American HAARP project used to weaponize the weather using chemtrails.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General

False: The LOIS project in Sweden is part of the American HAARP project used to weaponize the weather using chemtrails.

False: If CO2 increased five times, it would still not increase the global temperature by more than 1 degree Celsius.
Climate-General Conspiracies-General

False: If CO2 increased five times, it would still not increase the global temperature by more than 1 degree Celsius.

False: The World Economic Forum has proposed a new initiative to slaughter pets, aiming to fight climate change by reducing the "carbon pawprint."
Climate-General Conspiracies-World Economic Forum Conspiracies-World Economic Forum Climate-General

False: The World Economic Forum has proposed a new initiative to slaughter pets, aiming to fight climate change by reducing the "carbon pawprint."

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before