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False: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will install kill switches to all new cars in the U.S. by 2026.
Politics-Policy Tech-General Tech-Business

False: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will install kill switches to all new cars in the U.S. by 2026.

False: A report by USA Today claims that Elon Musk's Neuralink implants have killed over 3,000 monkeys.
Media-General Tech-Business

False: A report by USA Today claims that Elon Musk's Neuralink implants have killed over 3,000 monkeys.

False: The bitten apple in the Apple logo is a tribute to English mathematician Alan Turing who died due to cyanide poisoning.
Conspiracies-General Conspiracies-Urban Legends Tech-Business

False: The bitten apple in the Apple logo is a tribute to English mathematician Alan Turing who died due to cyanide poisoning.

False: Nikon is stopping the production of SLR cameras to focus on mirrorless models.
Economics-Business Tech-Business

False: Nikon is stopping the production of SLR cameras to focus on mirrorless models.

False: A video shows an MSNBC reporter saying Elon Musk is trying to "control how people think. That’s our job."
Conspiracies-General Tech-Business

False: A video shows an MSNBC reporter saying Elon Musk is trying to "control how people think. That’s our job."

Misleading: Instagram's new update can track user's exact location, and this data is used to commit crimes.
Conspiracies-General Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

Misleading: Instagram's new update can track user's exact location, and this data is used to commit crimes.

False: Wind turbines are not cost-effective as they produce less energy than they take to build.
Climate-General Economics-Business Tech-Business

False: Wind turbines are not cost-effective as they produce less energy than they take to build.

False: 5G networks can be used to detonate lithium battery-powered electric vehicles.
Conspiracies-5G Tech-5G Tech-Business

False: 5G networks can be used to detonate lithium battery-powered electric vehicles.

Misleading: Wikipedia changed the definition of recession to favor U.S. President Joe Biden.
Economics-General Politics-General Tech-Business

Misleading: Wikipedia changed the definition of recession to favor U.S. President Joe Biden.

False: A Nothing Phone (1)'s unboxing video showed a note from the company stating that the "device is not for South Indians.
Economics-Business Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: A Nothing Phone (1)'s unboxing video showed a note from the company stating that the "device is not for South Indians.

False: Bill Gates' account is suspended on Twitter.
Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: Bill Gates' account is suspended on Twitter.

False: Elon Musk is planning to delete Facebook and Twitter.
Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: Elon Musk is planning to delete Facebook and Twitter.

False: Russian tanks are being sold on eBay.
Geopolitical-Conflict Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: Russian tanks are being sold on eBay.

False: Instagram's privacy policy allows it to share private photos and messages.
Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: Instagram's privacy policy allows it to share private photos and messages.

False: Instagram has changed its algorithm that allows only around seven percent of a user's followers to see a post.
Economics-Business Tech-Social-Media Tech-Business

False: Instagram has changed its algorithm that allows only around seven percent of a user's followers to see a post.

False: Carbon footprint from Jeff Bezos' space ship is similar to a lifetime’s worth of emissions for the world’s poorest.
Climate-General Tech-Business

False: Carbon footprint from Jeff Bezos' space ship is similar to a lifetime’s worth of emissions for the world’s poorest.

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before