Home False: Elon Musk is planning to delete Facebook and Twitter.

False: Elon Musk is planning to delete Facebook and Twitter.

By: Rachel Muller-Heyndyk

April 27 2022

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False: Elon Musk is planning to delete Facebook and Twitter.


The Verdict False

Screenshots of tweets from the billionaire stating that he is going to delete Twitter and Facebook are fakes.

A post on Facebook shows a supposed screenshot of a tweet from the Tesla CEO and billionaire Elon Musk. The tweet reads: “Now that I bought Twitter, I’m deleting it. FB is next. Go outside and enjoy life.” However, the screenshot is fake. Musk has not tweeted this at any point, nor has he said that he is planning to “delete” Facebook or Twitter. Once he has share holders’ approval, Musk is planning to purchase Twitter for approximately $44 billion.

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