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True: President Trump's posts on COVID-19 was deleted by Facebook and hidden by Twitter.
Health-Covid Politics-General Tech-Social-Media

True: President Trump's posts on COVID-19 was deleted by Facebook and hidden by Twitter.

True: Forwarding a social media post is equal to endorsing it.
Media-General Politics-General Tech-Social-Media

True: Forwarding a social media post is equal to endorsing it.

True: Pennsylvania’s voter services website was down after an outage.
Politics-Elections Tech-General

True: Pennsylvania’s voter services website was down after an outage.

Partly_True: Kamala Harris wants to legalize prostitution.
Politics-People Politics-Policy

Partly_True: Kamala Harris wants to legalize prostitution.

True: Russia is interfering in the 2020 U.S Presidential election

True: Russia is interfering in the 2020 U.S Presidential election

Misleading: Hunter Biden has links to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’.
Economics-Business Politics-General

Misleading: Hunter Biden has links to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’.

Misleading: Carbon dioxide emissions of the US went down under the Trump administration.
Climate-General Politics-General

Misleading: Carbon dioxide emissions of the US went down under the Trump administration.

Misleading: Trump: I brought back manufacturing jobs
Economics-General Health-Covid Politics-General

Misleading: Trump: I brought back manufacturing jobs

Misleading: Hunter Biden made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, and in Moscow.
Economics-Business Geopolitical-Policy Politics-General

Misleading: Hunter Biden made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, and in Moscow.

True: Bloomberg pays fines for 32,000 felons in Florida so they can vote.
Human Rights-General Media-General Politics-Elections

True: Bloomberg pays fines for 32,000 felons in Florida so they can vote.

False: Biden: Attorney General William Barr had said pandemic lockdowns are "equivalent to slavery."
Politics-General Politics-Elections Politics-People

False: Biden: Attorney General William Barr had said pandemic lockdowns are "equivalent to slavery."

False: President Trump was on ventilator support due to COVID-19.
Health-Covid Politics-People

False: President Trump was on ventilator support due to COVID-19.

False: Joe Biden does not have any support from law enforcement officers for the 2020 United States presidential election.
Politics-Elections Politics-People

False: Joe Biden does not have any support from law enforcement officers for the 2020 United States presidential election.

True: The untimely death of Sushant Singh Rajput has turned out to be a central poll plank with parties like the BJP using posters seeking 'Justice for Sushant' as part of their poll campaign.
Media-Celebrities Politics-General

True: The untimely death of Sushant Singh Rajput has turned out to be a central poll plank with parties like the BJP using posters seeking 'Justice for Sushant' as part of their poll campaign.

True: California Governor Gavin Newsom suspended air quality rules on power plants to ease the strain on the power grid.

True: California Governor Gavin Newsom suspended air quality rules on power plants to ease the strain on the power grid.

Partly_True: There is strong public support for the UK government's decision to ban people from socializing in more than six groups in most circumstances.
Health-Covid Politics-Policy

Partly_True: There is strong public support for the UK government's decision to ban people from socializing in more than six groups in most circumstances.

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before