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False: Trump: I am getting insulin for so cheap that it’s like water
Health-General Politics-General Politics-Policy

False: Trump: I am getting insulin for so cheap that it’s like water

False: Over 6,000 U.S. military servicemen have died due to COVID-19.
Health-Covid Politics-General Politics-Elections

False: Over 6,000 U.S. military servicemen have died due to COVID-19.

True: 6.8 lakh Indian companies have closed down in FY 2019.
Economics-General Politics-General

True: 6.8 lakh Indian companies have closed down in FY 2019.

Misleading: Hunter Biden has links to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’.
Economics-Business Politics-General

Misleading: Hunter Biden has links to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’.

Partly_True: UK government has provided Security Industry Authority (SIA) licenses to illegal immigrants.
Human Rights-General Politics-General

Partly_True: UK government has provided Security Industry Authority (SIA) licenses to illegal immigrants.

True: Forwarding a social media post is equal to endorsing it.
Media-General Politics-General Tech-Social-Media

True: Forwarding a social media post is equal to endorsing it.

Misleading: Biden backed the horrendous South Korea trade deal, which took many jobs away from the United States.
Economics-General Geopolitical-Policy Politics-General

Misleading: Biden backed the horrendous South Korea trade deal, which took many jobs away from the United States.

False: Amy Coney Barret is a Muslim.
Human Rights-Religion Politics-General

False: Amy Coney Barret is a Muslim.

False: We have a higher deficit with China now, in 2020, than we did before
Geopolitical-Policy Politics-General Geopolitical-Policy Politics-General

False: We have a higher deficit with China now, in 2020, than we did before

True: In the last four years, Donald Trump has never come up with a comprehensive plan as an alternative to Obamacare.
Health-General Politics-General

True: In the last four years, Donald Trump has never come up with a comprehensive plan as an alternative to Obamacare.

Misleading: Hunter Biden made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, and in Moscow.
Economics-Business Geopolitical-Policy Politics-General

Misleading: Hunter Biden made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, and in Moscow.

False: You said you went to Delaware State, but you forgot the name of your college. You didn’t go to Delaware State.
Politics-General Politics-People

False: You said you went to Delaware State, but you forgot the name of your college. You didn’t go to Delaware State.

Partly_True: My economic plan will create 7 million more jobs than his in four years.
Economics-General Politics-General

Partly_True: My economic plan will create 7 million more jobs than his in four years.

Partly_True: Biden: In our administration, there were 38,000 fewer federal prisoners than there were when we started.

Partly_True: Biden: In our administration, there were 38,000 fewer federal prisoners than there were when we started.

Misleading: Carbon dioxide emissions of the US went down under the Trump administration.
Climate-General Politics-General

Misleading: Carbon dioxide emissions of the US went down under the Trump administration.

False: Adam Schiff's sister is married to George Soros's son.
Economics-Business Politics-General

False: Adam Schiff's sister is married to George Soros's son.

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before