Home Video of man killed over family dispute in Bangladesh shared with communal spin

Video of man killed over family dispute in Bangladesh shared with communal spin

By: Prabhanu Das

October 10 2024

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Viral posts on X claim to share a video showing the murder of a Hindu man in Narsingdi, Bangladesh, with a FALSE tag. Viral posts on X claim to share a video showing the murder of a Hindu man in Narsingdi, Bangladesh. (Source: X/Modified by Logically Facts)


The Verdict False

The man seen in the video is Hanif Miya, a Muslim killed by his family members over a personal dispute. The incident has no communal angle.

What's the claim?

Viral posts on X (formerly Twitter) have circulated a 10-second video showing a crowd gathered around a dead body, with an elderly woman grieving beside it. The posts allege that this incident involves "another Hindu" murdered in Bangladesh, claiming the location is in front of the Eidgah gate, Kauria Para, in the Narsingdi district. 

Additionally, the posts tagged the United Nations Human Rights Office, criticizing its inaction and urging social media users to advocate for Bangladeshi Hindus. Archive links to these posts are available here, here, and here.


Screenshots of copy-paste posts on X of viral claim sharing the alleged video of "another Hindu" murdered in Bangladesh. (Source: X/Modified by Logically Facts)

Our investigation revealed that the deceased in the video is Hanif Miya, who was murdered by his maternal cousins over a family dispute, contrary to the communal claims circulating online. 

What we found

A reverse image search of the video led us to a report by the Bangladeshi news channel Sorejomin Barta, uploaded on YouTube on October 1, 2024 (archived here). The footage, captured from a different angle, showed similar visuals of the incident and identified the victim as Hanif Miya. The report indicated that Miya had multiple accusations against him, including murder, by the Bangladesh police.

According to statements from police and relatives in the report, the motive behind the murder was personal enmity stemming from a family dispute—Hanif Miya had allegedly killed his uncle, Habu Miya, three months prior to his own murder. The main suspects in Hanif Miya's death are his cousins, Naeem and Nadeem, who are the sons of Habu Miya.

We were able to compare the gate and the green doors on either side, which are visible in both the viral video and the YouTube report.


A comparison of the visuals in the viral video and the news report show the same gate in the background. (Source: X/Sorejomin Barta/Modified by Logically Facts)


A comparison of details of the gate in the background, such as the green doors on the side, also suggests that the visuals are from the same incident. (Source: X/Sorejomin Barta/Modified by Logically Facts)

Additionally, a keyword search uncovered a shorter video report by the Bangladeshi TV channel Independent TV, which shared the same details (archived here).

We also found reports on this incident from Bangladesh Bulletin, BDnews24, and Sangbad Porikrama. All reports confirm that the motive for the murder was revenge, as Hanif Miya was involved in the killing of his uncle, Habu Miya, a month and a half earlier. Investigations are ongoing, and the accused are currently at large.

The verdict

The viral video does not depict a Hindu man who was murdered, but rather Hanif Miya, a Muslim man killed by his cousins in Bangladesh's Narsingdi district over a family dispute.

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