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False: WTC 1, 2 & 7 were brought down via controlled demolition.
Conspiracies-General Events-Terrorism

False: WTC 1, 2 & 7 were brought down via controlled demolition.

False: The 9/11 attack was a hoax as crisis actors were hired to give their account of what happened to news reporters.
Conspiracies-General Events-Terrorism Media-General

False: The 9/11 attack was a hoax as crisis actors were hired to give their account of what happened to news reporters.

False: The planes that hit the Twin Towers in the 9/11 attacks were holograms created using Project Blue Beam technology.
Conspiracies-General Events-Terrorism Tech-General

False: The planes that hit the Twin Towers in the 9/11 attacks were holograms created using Project Blue Beam technology.

Misleading: NIA India has released phone number 011-24368800 to report people that use the slogan "Sir Tan Se Juda."
Events-Terrorism Human Rights-Religion

Misleading: NIA India has released phone number 011-24368800 to report people that use the slogan "Sir Tan Se Juda."

False: 7 World Trade Center collapsed in the 9/11 attack because of a bomb inside the building.
Conspiracies-General Events-Terrorism

False: 7 World Trade Center collapsed in the 9/11 attack because of a bomb inside the building.

False: These pictures show the devastation caused by a blast in Peshawar, a city in Pakistan, on March 4, 2022.

False: These pictures show the devastation caused by a blast in Peshawar, a city in Pakistan, on March 4, 2022.

True: A video from a blast in Iraq was misattributed to the 2019 Pulwama attack in India.

True: A video from a blast in Iraq was misattributed to the 2019 Pulwama attack in India.

True: The Colleyville Synagogue gunman went on an antisemitic tirade.
Events-Terrorism Human Rights-Race

True: The Colleyville Synagogue gunman went on an antisemitic tirade.

Misleading: A CNN reporter covered her head while reporting after the Taliban took control over Afghanistan.
Events-Terrorism Human Rights-General Media-General

Misleading: A CNN reporter covered her head while reporting after the Taliban took control over Afghanistan.

Misleading: A video shows Ashraf Ghani fleeing Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country.
Events-Terrorism Politics-People

Misleading: A video shows Ashraf Ghani fleeing Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country.

False: The Taliban was involved in the twin explosions in Kabul on August 26.
Events-Terrorism Politics-General

False: The Taliban was involved in the twin explosions in Kabul on August 26.

False: The Afghan Air Force pilot Safiya Firozi was stoned to death by the Taliban.
Events-Terrorism Human Rights-Gender

False: The Afghan Air Force pilot Safiya Firozi was stoned to death by the Taliban.

False: A video shows the Taliban in control of the presidential palace in Kabul.

False: A video shows the Taliban in control of the presidential palace in Kabul.

False: Taliban fighters jumping on a trampoline as they celebrate their return to power in Afghanistan.
Events-Terrorism Politics-General

False: Taliban fighters jumping on a trampoline as they celebrate their return to power in Afghanistan.

False: No planes were involved in 9/11.
Conspiracies-General Events-Terrorism

False: No planes were involved in 9/11.

False: Taliban hanged a person from a helicopter in Kandahar, Afghanistan.
Events-Terrorism Politics-General

False: Taliban hanged a person from a helicopter in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before