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Misleading: COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe as they are unlicensed experimental injections.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Misleading: COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe as they are unlicensed experimental injections.

True: Dr. Katalin Karikó was the first person to develop mRNA technology, currently being used in COVID-19 vaccines.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

True: Dr. Katalin Karikó was the first person to develop mRNA technology, currently being used in COVID-19 vaccines.

False: A Boston court has revoked custody of the parents of a 14-year-old child for not consenting to her COVID-19 vaccination.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

False: A Boston court has revoked custody of the parents of a 14-year-old child for not consenting to her COVID-19 vaccination.

True: It is safe for people who are allergic to bees to receive COVID-19 vaccines.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

True: It is safe for people who are allergic to bees to receive COVID-19 vaccines.

Misleading: 397 children were diagnosed with heart inflammation after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in U.S.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

Misleading: 397 children were diagnosed with heart inflammation after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in U.S.

False: COVID-19 vaccines have caused 17,503 deaths and 1.7 million adverse reactions, according to data from the European Medicines Agency.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Tech-Social-Media

False: COVID-19 vaccines have caused 17,503 deaths and 1.7 million adverse reactions, according to data from the European Medicines Agency.

False: Administering pseudo vaccines are a method of controlling the world.
Conspiracies-General Health-Vaccines

False: Administering pseudo vaccines are a method of controlling the world.

Nobel Prize Scientist Luc Montagnier claimed vaccines are responsible for the new variant of COVID-19.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Nobel Prize Scientist Luc Montagnier claimed vaccines are responsible for the new variant of COVID-19.

Partly_True: The White House is recruiting young social media influencers to promote the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Media-Entertainment Politics-General

Partly_True: The White House is recruiting young social media influencers to promote the COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

True: The Delta variant of COVID-19 is infecting fully vaccinated people.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

True: The Delta variant of COVID-19 is infecting fully vaccinated people.

False: Doctors in the U.K will be forced to have COVID-19 vaccines.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Politics-Policy

False: Doctors in the U.K will be forced to have COVID-19 vaccines.

Misleading: Fully vaccinated people have an 885 percent higher chance of death due to COVID-19 than people who are not vaccinated.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Media-General

Misleading: Fully vaccinated people have an 885 percent higher chance of death due to COVID-19 than people who are not vaccinated.

False: The experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines cause permanent damange to the brain, kidneys, heart and other organs via inflammation and micro bloodclots.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

False: The experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines cause permanent damange to the brain, kidneys, heart and other organs via inflammation and micro bloodclots.

Vaccines are a means of population control.
Conspiracies-Depopulation Conspiracies-New World Order Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Vaccines are a means of population control.

Misleading: The Pfizer mRNA vaccine has killed more people than any other vaccine in the 30-year history of VAERS.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

Misleading: The Pfizer mRNA vaccine has killed more people than any other vaccine in the 30-year history of VAERS.

False: Full FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine would result in large-scale loss of life.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

False: Full FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine would result in large-scale loss of life.

0 Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before