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Misleading: Public Health England: Vaccinated people in their forties are reporting double the infection rate compared to those unvaccinated.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Misleading: Public Health England: Vaccinated people in their forties are reporting double the infection rate compared to those unvaccinated.

False: Pfizer experimented on orphan babies to test its COVID-19 vaccine.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines Human Rights-General

False: Pfizer experimented on orphan babies to test its COVID-19 vaccine.

Misleading: Immunity from Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine weakens after two months. After five and seven months, it is only 20 percent effective.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

Misleading: Immunity from Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine weakens after two months. After five and seven months, it is only 20 percent effective.

False: Bill Gates has called for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines.
Conspiracies-General Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

False: Bill Gates has called for the withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines.

False: A person is not fully vaccinated until three months after the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

False: A person is not fully vaccinated until three months after the last dose of any COVID-19 vaccine.

Misleading: Disability people are excluded from the 1a vaccine priority group in Australia.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Politics-General

Misleading: Disability people are excluded from the 1a vaccine priority group in Australia.

False: A video claimed that a baby was paralyzed after participating in COVID-19 vaccine trials.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Tech-Social-Media

False: A video claimed that a baby was paralyzed after participating in COVID-19 vaccine trials.

False: A Project Veritas video proves that Johnson & Johnson vaccine is unsafe for children.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines Tech-Social-Media

False: A Project Veritas video proves that Johnson & Johnson vaccine is unsafe for children.

False: According to scientists working at Pfizer, natural immunity is better than immunity from vaccines.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

False: According to scientists working at Pfizer, natural immunity is better than immunity from vaccines.

False: Hospitals are treating COVID-19 vaccinated people with ivermectin in Australia.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

False: Hospitals are treating COVID-19 vaccinated people with ivermectin in Australia.

False: In Australia, children are being forcibly removed from their parents to be vaccinated.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Human Rights-General Politics-Policy

False: In Australia, children are being forcibly removed from their parents to be vaccinated.

False: The president of Croatia said, "We will not be vaccinated anymore."
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Politics-People

False: The president of Croatia said, "We will not be vaccinated anymore."

False: President Biden has directed the Department of Veterans Affairs to cut off benefits to unvaccinated veterans.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines Politics-Policy

False: President Biden has directed the Department of Veterans Affairs to cut off benefits to unvaccinated veterans.

Misleading: GPs are incentivized to inject the adult population with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Conspiracies-General Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Misleading: GPs are incentivized to inject the adult population with the COVID-19 vaccine.

False: In the Pfizer clinical trial, 1 in 9 children suffered severe adverse reactions, leaving them unable to perform daily activities.
Health-Covid Health-Pharma Health-Vaccines

False: In the Pfizer clinical trial, 1 in 9 children suffered severe adverse reactions, leaving them unable to perform daily activities.

Misleading: The majority of COVID-19 deaths are among the vaccinated, which shows that vaccines worsen COVID-19.
Health-Covid Health-Vaccines

Misleading: The majority of COVID-19 deaths are among the vaccinated, which shows that vaccines worsen COVID-19.

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We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before