Home True: During the siege on the Capitol, rioters smeared feces around the building.

True: During the siege on the Capitol, rioters smeared feces around the building.

By: Annie Priya

January 15 2021

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True: During the siege on the Capitol, rioters smeared feces around the building.


The Verdict True

Prominent media organizations have reported that feces were smeared throughout the federal building.

Prominent media organizations have reported that feces were smeared throughout the federal building.On January 6, during the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's victory, a mob of Trump-supporters stormed the Capitol Building. The attack was an attempt to overturn Trump's defeat in the 2020 presidential election. The rioters entered the Capitol by crashing through doors and windows. Police evacuated the Senate and House of Representatives chambers. At least five people were killed in the riot, including a Capitol police officer. More than fifty police officers were seriously injured. Covering the aftermath of the siege, several media organizations and prominent journalists reported that rioters smeared their feces and urinated in the hallways of the federal building. Darren Samuelsohn, a journalist, tweeted: "The Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol left behind shards of broken glass and ripped-apart furniture, blood, empty bottles, and even feces smeared on the walls." Vox also reported on the siege and described the aftermath as: "Feces smeared throughout a federal building. Blood on the marble bust of a former president. Nooses on Capitol Hill. These are the images captured on January 6 when an enraged pro-Trump mob of hundreds flooded the gates of the US Capitol, America’s fortress of democracy." The FBI has deployed their full investigative resources and is working closely with its federal, state, and local partners to catch those involved in criminal activity during this event.

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