Home True: Joe Biden has raised $48 million in the 48 hours since naming U.S. Senator Kamala Harris the Democratic vice presidential nominee.

True: Joe Biden has raised $48 million in the 48 hours since naming U.S. Senator Kamala Harris the Democratic vice presidential nominee.

By: Priyam Nayak

August 14 2020

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True: Joe Biden has raised $48 million in the 48 hours since naming U.S. Senator Kamala Harris the Democratic vice presidential nominee.


The Verdict True

Rob Flaherty, digital director of Joe Biden’s campaign confirmed in a retweet that $48 million was raised in 48 hours after Kamala Harris's nomination

Rob Flaherty, digital director of Joe Biden’s campaign confirmed in a retweet that $48 million was raised in 48 hours after Kamala Harris's nominationOn August 11, 2020, presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, announced Kamala Harris his running mate in the 2020 elections. At a virtual grassroots fundraiser held on August 12, 2020, Biden announced that his campaign had raised $26 million in the last 24 hours. On August 13, 2020, Rob Flaherty, the digital director of Joe Biden’s campaign had tweeted that ‘Team Biden-Harris Digital raised $34.2 million between the 11th and 12th. He said this includes $1.3 million raised on yard signs alone. On August 14, 2020, Johnny Verhovek, the political correspondent of ABC News, tweeted that Biden’s campaign confirmed they raised $48 million in the 48 hours since Kamala Harris was named the Democratic vice presidential nominee. Clarke Humphrey, the deputy digital director for Joe Biden’s campaign, retweeted Verhovek’s tweet with the comment that ‘$39 million of that 48-hour haul came in online from this incredible grassroots team.’ Rob Flaherty, the digital director of Joe Biden’s campaign, retweeted both the tweets. Mr. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, raised $141 million in his shared accounts with the Democratic National Committee in July. For the same month, President Trump raised $165 million for his campaign and shared committees with the Republican National Committee. Biden’s campaign recently announced a $280 million fall advertising blitz, outlining plans for $220 million in television and $60 million in digital ads across 15 states in the lead-up to the November election. The ad reservation, which will begin on September 1, is by far the biggest of the 2020 race by either campaign reported The New York Times.

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