Home True: Mike Pence is anti-abortion.

True: Mike Pence is anti-abortion.

By: Ganashree N A

November 2 2020

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True: Mike Pence is anti-abortion.


The Verdict True

From signing a law banning abortion to supporting cutting Planned Parenthood funding, Vice President Mike Pence has a record of being anti-abortion.

From signing a law banning abortion to supporting cutting Planned Parenthood funding, Vice President Mike Pence has a record of being anti-abortion.Vice President Mike has repeatedly taken an anti-abortion stance throughout his political career. Not only was Pence the first vice president to speak at the annual March for Life rally of anti-abortion activists, he has criticized Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, saying the court at the time had “turned its back” on the right to life. Pence has stated that he is an opponent of Planned Parenthood, despite the fact that, according to its latest data as reported by Politico, abortion makes up only 4 percent of the organization's medical services. In 2011 as a congressional representative, Pence helped push through a bill to decrease Planned Parenthood funding. The Washington Post reported that this depressed funding left Pence, then governor of Indiana, facing the country's biggest HIV outbreak in his state after a Planned Parenthood clinic that served as a county's only HIV-testing center was forced to close. As governor of Indiana, Pence supported anti-abortion legislation, including signing a sweeping bill in March 2016 that banned abortions sought based on a disability diagnosis or because of a fetus' race or gender, as well as requiring the remains of aborted or miscarried fetuses to be interred or cremated. The bill also required patients to undergo an ultrasound at least 18 hours before an abortion procedure. This creates a waiting period that makes abortion less accessible as it puts the procedure over multiple days. In his official statement about the Bill HEA 1337, Pence said he believes that a society is judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable, the aged, the weak, the disabled, and the unborn. The law was challenged, eventually making its way to the Supreme Court in 2019. The court ruled the abortion ban based on disability, race, or gender unconstitutional but allowed the fetal remains portion to stay in effect. During the vice presidential debate of 2020, moderator Susan Page asked Pence what he would want Indiana to do if Roe v. Wade was overturned, to which the vice president responded that he is "pro-life" and would not apologize for it.

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