By: Devika Kandelwal
August 19 2020
A nationwide access to the internet is discussed widely in the platform. Biden wants to invest $20b in getting broadband access to those without it.
A nationwide access to the internet is discussed widely in the platform. Biden wants to invest $20b in getting broadband access to those without it.On their party platform, Democrats said the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for the internet; the internet cannot be an option anymore. In their party platform, they wrote that the internet is now a vital tool for receiving an education and participating in the economy. All Americans need and should have access to high-speed, affordable broadband service. To make sure that's the case, Democrats will prevent states from blocking municipalities and rural co-ops from building publicly-owned broadband networks. They would increase federal support for municipal broadband and increase public investment in rural, urban, and Tribal broadband infrastructure. They will offer low-income Americans subsidies for accessing high-speed internet, and invest in digital literacy training programs, so children and families and people with disabilities can fully participate in school, work, and life from their homes. The Democrats also said that they would restore the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) authority to take direct action to keep the internet open and free for all Americans. FCC will take strong enforcement action against broadband providers who violate net neutrality principles through blocking, throttling, paid prioritization, and raise consumer prices for this vital service. Under Joe Biden's rural economic development strategy, he would be investing $20 billion in getting broadband access to communities that don't have it. He's also called for partnering with municipal utilities to bring fiber broadband connections to communities across rural America and close the digital divide that persists in the country.