True: Azim Premji donated over 50,000 crores to charity in 2019.

By: Rashmi S
May 9 2020

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True: Azim Premji donated over 50,000 crores to charity in 2019.


The Verdict True

An announcement made by Azim Premji that Rs 52,750 crore would be transferred to an endowment under his foundation proves the claim.

Claim ID 6bbfcff1

An announcement made by Azim Premji that Rs 52,750 crore would be transferred to an endowment under his foundation proves the claim.The Press Release issued by Azim Premji Foundation in an exchange filing done by Wipro, says that a charitable contribution was made on 13 March 2019 by Azim Premji to the Foundation. It added that he had increased his commitment to philanthropy by earmarking in approximately 34% of the shares in Wipro Limited.

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