Home True: 72% of Americans think this pandemic is the worst time they have ever experienced.

True: 72% of Americans think this pandemic is the worst time they have ever experienced.

By: Devika Kandelwal

August 21 2020

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True: 72% of Americans think this pandemic is the worst time they have ever experienced.


The Verdict True

According to a report published by the American Psychological Association, most Americans think the country is at its lowest point in living memory.

According to a report published by the American Psychological Association, most Americans think the country is at its lowest point in living memory. On the 4th night of the Democratic National Convention, Andrew Yang said, '72% of Americans believe that this is the worst time we have ever experienced.' The American Psychological Association in June 2020 published a report citing two surveys conducted by Harris Poll, which were carried out between May 21 and June 3. One of the surveys focuses on the coronavirus, and the other focuses on the civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd. Results from both surveys show that most Americans think the country is at its lower point in living memory. Around 7 in 10 Americans, more than 70 percent think this is the lowest point in U.S. history as far as they can remember. For comparison, only 56% of Americans said the same in the 2019 and 2018 Stress in America surveys. 59% said the same in 2017, which was the highest proportion recorded. This statement began being tracked as part of the Stress in America surveys in 2017. Further, following the death of George Floyd, more than 8 in 10 Americans (83%) say the future of our nation is a significant source of stress. The first poll, which was on the coronavirus, surveyed 3,013 people. 78% said the pandemic is a significant source of stress, with 66% of respondents blaming their feelings on the government's handling of the pandemic. The second poll focusing on the civil unrest surveyed 2,058 people. The poll found that 72% of participants said they think this is the lowest point in the U.S history in their memory. A survey conducted by the Gallup in June 2020 noted that American pride has continued its downward trajectory reaching the lowest point in the two decades of Gallup measurement. Although most adults in the U.S. still say they are 'extremely proud' (42%) or 'very proud' (21%) to be American, both readings are the lowest since Gallup's initial measurement in 2001.

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