Home Misleading: Rates of infection have doubled among those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19.

Misleading: Rates of infection have doubled among those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19.

By: Gayathri Loka

January 13 2022

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Misleading: Rates of infection have doubled among those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19.


The Verdict Misleading

Vaccines reduce the chance of being unwell with COVID-19. Less mask-wearing and waning immunity could have contributed to the recent rise in cases.

A number of websites have published reports stating that infection rates doubled among vaccinated people in the second half of 2021. A writer for the Daily Sceptic wrote that he wished “the media would start reporting properly on the UKHSA data showing higher infection rates in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.” The article plays down the need for vaccination, alleging that unvaccinated people are less likely to contract COVID-19. Vaccination prevents severe disease and hospitalizations. It also lessens transmission. As the New Scientist reported, “​​A recent study found that vaccinated people infected with the delta variant are 63 per cent less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated.” Breakthrough infections do happen. However, recent data from the UKSRA “overestimates the unvaxxed population,” which, as the Times reported, provided “material for conspiracy theorists” as it makes them seem less likely to contract COVID-19. Reporting on the recent rise in COVID-19 cases in the U.K., CNBC wrote that “immunity in vaccinated people wanes after about six months.” The CNBC article continues, “Experts say there are a variety of reasons for the U.K.’s steep Covid numbers — ranging from the half-hearted mask adoption (even when masks are required, such as on public transport, the rule is rarely enforced) to large indoor gatherings that have allowed the virus to spread.” With waning immunity in mind, many health officials have stressed the importance of booster jabs. Data from the Office for National Statistics states that two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine reduced the risk of symptomatic infection by 75 percent, compared with a 58 percent reduction in risk following one dose only (21 days or more previously). The BBC reported around 50 million people in the U.K. have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine. A report by the U.K. Health Security Agency reported that the country's vaccination program prevented about 24 million infections, 260,000 hospitalizations, and 127,500 deaths. CORRECTION: We have changed the rating from “false” to “misleading.” We have also expanded on the context of this claim and added more sources.

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