Home False: Removing the viruses, which are non-living from the bloodstream will cure the diseases.

False: Removing the viruses, which are non-living from the bloodstream will cure the diseases.

By: Sunil Kumar

September 3 2020

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False: Removing the viruses, which are non-living from the bloodstream will cure the diseases.


The Verdict False

The viruses that are active inside a human body and can be destroyed by antibodies.

The viruses that are active inside a human body and can be destroyed by antibodies.First seen as liquid poison, viruses today are thought of as being in a gray area between living and nonliving. They cannot replicate on their own but can do so inside another life form. Many of them are unable to survive for long in the extracellular environment. They enter a cell, sheds its coat, bares its genes and induces the cell’s replication machinery to reproduce the intruder’s DNA or RNA. The newly created viral bits assemble, multiply and spread among other cells. Thus the idea of removing the dead virus from the bloodstream to cure diseases like HIV, Ebola is incorrect.

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