Home False: A time-lapse video shows a cloud burst in Bengaluru, Karnataka, captured on September 4, 2022.

False: A time-lapse video shows a cloud burst in Bengaluru, Karnataka, captured on September 4, 2022.

By: Rahul Adhikari

September 14 2022

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False: A time-lapse video shows a cloud burst in Bengaluru, Karnataka, captured on September 4, 2022.


The Verdict False

A 2020 time-lapse video from Australia has been falsely shared as a recent cloud burst in Bangalore.


A video is being shared on social media claiming it is a cloudburst time-lapse visual from Bangalore. The city has been in the news recently due to heavy rainfall resulting in flood situations. Social media users have shared the video, connecting it with the heavy rainfall. In the 13-second viral video, we can see a time-lapse of a massive blanket of clouds seemingly falling on the streets. The post is captioned "Bangalore cloud burst timelapse gripping video of 04 Sep 2022 as claimed."

In fact

Key word searches led us to the discovery that the video was previously posted on The Weather Channel website, titled "Time-Lapse Shows Wrath of Severe Storm in Australia." The video is dated February 25, 2020, credited to Kane Artie/Severe Weather Australia.

Kane Artie is a photographer who posted the video to his personal Facebook page on February 25, 2020. He said that he captured the video in Perth, and the caption reads, "Well this afternoons front that rolled in was something else! I made a last minute dash down the road to the viewing area at the Perth Airport as I knew I would have a nice open area to shoot. So glad I did. I got absolutely drenched running back down the ramp, and nearly got blown over with the gusts that came through. I had to hang on to the fence to stay on my feet. Was it worth it..... Hell yes." Kane also mentioned that the video has been copyrighted by Severe Weather Australia.

Severe Weather Australia posted a still from the video on February 26, 2020 to their Twitter account. The tweet read, "SWA Contributor Kane Artie Photography captured this incredible photo and video of the Microburst or (possible Macroburst) impacting Perth Airport, WA yesterday evening."

The verdict:

A time-lapse video of a cloud burst was captured in Australia in 2020, not Bangalore in 2022. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false. 

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