Home False: Everyone who testified at my impeachment said I did not do anything wrong.

False: Everyone who testified at my impeachment said I did not do anything wrong.

By: Devika Kandelwal

October 23 2020

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False: Everyone who testified at my impeachment said I did not do anything wrong.


The Verdict False

Not everyone who testified at the impeachment said that Trump did not do anything wrong, some did suggest some kind of wrongdoing.

Not everyone who testified at the impeachment said that Trump did not do anything wrong, some did suggest some kind of wrongdoing.An impeachment was launched against US President Donald Trump after a whistle-blower complaint alleged that Trump had abused his power for political gain by pressuring Ukraine’s president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump claimed at the US Presidential debate that everyone who testified against him at the impeachment hearing said that he did not do anything wrong. However, that is not true. Laura K. Cooper, Deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, revealed during her public testimony that Ukrainian officials might have been aware that security aid had been cut off as early as Jul. 25, the day Mr. Trump pressed Ukraine’s president during a phone call to investigate Democrats. Moreover, Gordon D. Sondland, Ambassador to the E.U., in his public testimony, said that there had been a clear “quid pro quo” at the highest levels of Trump’s government. He also amended his initial testimony to say that he had “presumed” the release of foreign aid was also tied to the investigations and that he had communicated that to Ukrainian officials.

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