Home False: The QR code on French electoral cards is used to modify the votes in the 2022 election.

False: The QR code on French electoral cards is used to modify the votes in the 2022 election.

By: Annie Priya

April 12 2022

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False: The QR code on French electoral cards is used to modify the votes in the 2022 election.


The Verdict False

The QR code on French electoral cards does not extract personal data. It only redirects the user to the Ministry of the Interior website.

The QR code on French electoral cards does not extract personal data. It only redirects the user to the Ministry of the Interior website.On February 2, the Ministry of Interior, France, announced that a new Quick Response Code (QR code) is included on the electoral cards of registered voters for the 2022 presidential election. The code has become a cause for speculation on social media, with claims that it would manipulate the 2022 presidential election results. Such posts have also suggested voters use the 2021 version of the electoral cards. However, this claim is false. The QR code only allows access to a page on the official website of the Ministry of Interior to give information on the procedures concerning the election. Its goal is to deliver more information on the elections to citizens. It is possible to check one's presence on the electoral lists using the QR code, or if necessary, to register there, find a polling station, or even make a power of attorney in the event of impediment on polling day. The code also offers access to the vote results when published. No personal information is required to be able to scan the QR code or access the page dedicated to the election. Also, presenting the electoral card remains completely optional in the polling stations. According to a report published by a French blog named Presse-citron on February 4, the QR Code is strictly identical on all electoral cards. It is not linked to any personal data, nor does it identify citizens. Its presence allows faster access to information on current procedures around elections. On November 9, 2021, the Constitutional Council decided that it is not required for a voter to present a sanitary pass or a health pass as proof of COVID-19 vaccination to access polling stations or any political activities. Even the Ministry of Interior noted on April 8 that citizens could go to the polling stations with their electoral cards but presenting them is not an obligation to vote. According to the news website Paris-Normandie, the Minister of Health has confirmed that even people who test positive for COVID-19 will be able to go and vote safely as precautions and supplies like masks and sanitizing gel is provided.

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