False: Klaus Schwab is a blood relative of the Rothschild family.

By: Vivek J
January 31 2023

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False: Klaus Schwab is a blood relative of the Rothschild family.


The Verdict False

Klaus Schwab is not a Rothschild, nor is his mother, as some social media posts claim.

Claim ID 711f2e38


The World Economic Forum's (WEF) 2023 summit was held in Davos, Switzerland, from January 16 to 20 under the motto "cooperation in a fragmented world." Some Twitter posts have recently claimed that WEF founder Klaus Schwab is a blood relative of the Rothschild family, a prominent European banker family. One tweet reads, "Klaus Schwab is related to the Rothschilds! I've long wondered why the Elites listen to him, why they allow him so much control...now I have my answer. He's one of them."

The wording of the tweet is similar to that used by conspiracy theorists. Additionally, an image shared with this tweet shows a purported family tree of the Rothschilds, claiming that Schwab's mother, Marianne Schwab, born in 1919, is a descendant of the famous family. However, these claims are unsubstantiated. 

In Fact

Klaus Schwab has previously been quoted by the German Press Agency (Deutsche Presse-Agentur), saying he did not know anyone named Marianne Schwab, and that she is not his mother. Schwab was born on March 30, 1938, in Ravensberg, to a German Father (Eugen Wilhelm Schwab) and a Swiss mother (Erika Epprecht), noted the DPA. He has also thanked his parents in his book "Stakeholder Capitalism." 

Additionally, we did not find anyone named Marianne listed in the Rothschild family archive. Marianne Schwab's parents, Louis Rothschild – a banker in Bad Homberg, Germany – and Melanie Emmerich, the parents of Marianne Schwab, born in 1919, are unrelated to the Rothschild family in question. We also found details of a person named Louis Nathaniel von Rothschild in the Rothschild family archives. However, his wife was Countess Hildegard Johanna Caroline Marie Auersperg, and they had no children.

Prominent figures like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Rothschild family, Justin Trudeau, and many others have been referred to as "elites" by conspiracy theorists. According to conspiracy theorists, these elites are a purported group of influential people trying to establish a one-world government by enslaving the global populace. Such baseless conspiracy theories like the New World Order are known to have antisemitic origins.

The Verdict

The Marianne Schwab mentioned in the Twitter posts is unrelated to Klaus Schwab or the Rothschild family. Klaus Schwab was born to Eugene Schwab and Erika Epprecht, neither of whom is a member of the Rothschilds. Conspiracy theorists are propagating misinformation in the wake of WEF's Davos summit that was held in January 2023. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.

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