Home False: The U.S. documentary "Plandemic" has the support of at least 27,000 medical doctors.

False: The U.S. documentary "Plandemic" has the support of at least 27,000 medical doctors.

By: Annie Priya

April 26 2021

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False: The U.S. documentary "Plandemic" has the support of at least 27,000 medical doctors.


The Verdict False

The documentary "Plandemic" spreads harmful misinformation on COVID-19. There is no evidence that 27,000 doctors support it.

The documentary "Plandemic" spreads harmful misinformation on COVID-19. There is no evidence that 27,000 doctors support it.On May 4, 2020, a video titled "Plandemic" appeared on various social media platforms featuring the discredited scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits. The apparent goal of the 26-minute long tape was to sow uncertainty about COVID-19 while many countries were under strict lockdown measures. Mikovits has made several baseless claims — not just about COVID-19. In 2009, Mikovits co-wrote a research paper that incorrectly linked murine endogenous retroviruses condition to chronic fatigue syndrome. In "Plandemic" Mikovits repeats several baseless conspiracy theories, including the theory that wearing masks and gloves make people unwell. The video also suggested that deaths due to COVID-19 have been "made up" as a means of "controlling" the population. "Plandemic" has been viewed millions of times across multiple platforms despite platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo removing the tape. A YouTube spokesperson said, "the company removes content that includes medically unsubstantiated diagnostic advice for COVID-19." A Vimeo spokesperson added, "the company stands firm in keeping our platform safe from content that spreads harmful and misleading health information. The video in question has been removed by our Trust & Safety team for violating these very policies." There is no evidence that COVID-19 is not real. Writing for Forbes, Dr. Mark Kortepeter, an infectious diseases expert, says: "There are a lot of reasons to suggest that COVID-19 is exactly what it appears to be—an infectious coronavirus that spilled over from bats into a population that has already experienced a previous spillover event from a related virus." Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019, a cluster of doctors and medical professionals — such as Mikovits — have claimed that the pandemic is not real and that COVID-19 is an effort by the government to control the population through lockdown measures. Many of these people, who claim to be medical professionals, have been widely discredited and no longer work in the field. Logically could not find any evidence that Plandemic had the support of 27,000 doctors. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19 including symptoms, prevention and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organisation or your national healthcare authority.

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