Home False: Doctors in the U.K. will be paid an extra £10 for every child they vaccinate, and Google is trying to hide it.

False: Doctors in the U.K. will be paid an extra £10 for every child they vaccinate, and Google is trying to hide it.

By: Rachel Muller-Heyndyk

September 9 2021

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False: Doctors in the U.K. will be paid an extra £10 for every child they vaccinate, and Google is trying to hide it.


The Verdict False

GPs do not profit from COVID-19 vaccines, and only under-16s with serious health issues and disabilities are eligible for the jabs.

GPs do not profit from COVID-19 vaccines, and only under-16s with serious health issues and disabilities are eligible for the jabs. An Instagram image on the page "truthseekersjustice" states that an "NHS document shows GP's to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 vaccine on top of the £12.58 they already received- and Google are trying to hide it [sic]." The text has been lifted from an article on the conspiracy news site the Daily Expose. The article in question claims that the authors have retained an exclusive document revealing that NHS doctors have been bribed into vaccinating children. However, there is no evidence of a coverup, and the text fundamentally confuses the way that the funding operates. There are currently no plans to vaccinate children between the ages of 12 to 15 years old. The exception to this is those within this age group with severe learning disabilities and neurodisabilities, or those with serious underlying health conditions which can result in immunosuppression, the NHS document reads. The conditions listed can make children far more vulnerable to serious symptoms of COVID-19. The document adds that any child which could be considered to be at risk of becoming seriously unwell with COVID-19 should be under consideration in line with guidance from the government's Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI). Aside from this group, the JCVI has said that it does not recommend COVID-19 vaccines for 12 to 15-year-olds, because there is not yet enough evidence to confirm that it will benefit children and young people, who are at a much lower risk of becoming unwell with COVID-19. While some government officials have objected to the JCVI's advice, there are not yet any reports of plans to roll out vaccines to under sixteens generally. Both the Daily Expose article and Instagram post omit this information. Furthermore, the "additional £10" mentioned is misleading, as it insinuates that doctors are directly profiting from vaccinations. Reuters highlights that NHS surgeries operate as small businesses, and the extra funding is available to ensure the service can be delivered to as many patients as possible. This does not mean that GPs are being bribed. There is no evidence that Google is trying to hide this information. While one search result is laid out In a way that looks as though it confirms the Daily Expose's claims, this information is not included in the link itself. Entering slightly different search terms will yield different results. The document is available to the public, and is not "an exclusive." It is not true that doctors are being paid to vaccinate children. The post is both false and misleading. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19, including symptoms, prevention, and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organization or your national healthcare authority.

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