Home False: Bill Gates and his “pandemic protection team” plan to control the world.

False: Bill Gates and his “pandemic protection team” plan to control the world.

By: Gayathri Loka

May 5 2022

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False: Bill Gates and his “pandemic protection team” plan to control the world.


The Verdict False

Bill Gates is planning to create a response team to help study and curb the current pandemic and any prospective ones.

Bill Gates is planning to create a response team to help study and curb the current pandemic and any prospective ones.A recent post on Facebook claimed that Bill Gates and his initiative to study and help curb the pandemic is a way to control the world. The post includes a video by online personality Rob Moore, and focuses on specific points from the initiative, such as face mask policies and border control, along with claims that Gates is trying to control the world. On April 30, 2022 Bill Gates wrote in his blog Gates Notes about creating a new Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization (GERM) team dedicated to responding to the pandemic. The team would consist of experts in epidemiology, genetics, data systems, diplomacy, rapid response, logistics, computer modeling, communications, and more. GERM would monitor potential outbreaks, raise funds, develop vaccines and drugs, and coordinate responses with governments worldwide. On April 28, The Wall Street Journal published an essay by Gates that discussed GERM's plan. Gates mentioned that after the team analyses and coordinates a response plan with respective governments, mandates like wearing masks and border closures would be implemented if recommended. There is no evidence that Gates plans on starting this team to control the world. There have been many conspiracy theories about Gates and COVID-19. So far, none of them have been proven. Some of these conspiracies are connected to big pharma, and claim that celebrities and the elite planned the pandemic for financial gains and control the world with vaccines. Logically has debunked some of the more commonly known conspiracy theories regarding Gates, including claims that he is trying to control the world with COVID-19 vaccines containing microchips. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19, including symptoms, prevention, and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organization or your national healthcare authority.

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