Ethics & Transparency

Our mission is to reduce and eventually eliminate the harms associated with mis- and disinformation. We are proud supporters of free speech, and oppose censorious approaches to individual expression online. When misleading and deceptive online discourse causes societal damage, we believe it needs to be identified and addressed.

Logically Facts has built industry leading products and services to tackle harmful mis- and disinformation at scale. Our offerings are designed for use by private and public sector organisations, governments, and civil society groups, among others. We provide our services only to clients who meet the highest standards of integrity and ethics.

We are a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network’s (IFCN) Code of Principles, and as such, we hold ourselves to the standards set by it. This includes a commitment to non-partisanship and fairness, as well as transparency of sources, funding, and organisation. We are reviewed annually by the IFCN for our compliance with the Code of Principles and prior assessments can be found here.

When assessing any potential client opportunity, we apply the following standards:

We won’t enter into any contract:

  • Which is incompatible with the principles of enhancing civic discourse, protecting democratic debate and process, and providing access to trustworthy information.
  • Where there is a reasonable likelihood the client would use the information that we find to cause undue harm to any person or group, or threaten to undermine the human rights of any person or group.
  • We ensure that all commercial contracts include a specific, limited and targeted scope within which our products and services are licensed for use, agreed between Logically Facts and the client. Any violation of those terms will result in termination of service.
  • We don’t engage in partnerships which would undermine our commitment to political non-partisanship.

Finally, a robust ethics review process underpins our approach to ensure that any new contract is aligned with our standards. No project can pass our internal ethics review until reviewers unanimously agree that there is no conflict of interest that might undermine our commitment to non-partisanship. The Advisory Board also holds Logically Facts to account for its commitments to non-partisanship to credentialing bodies like the IFCN.

We also apply the following standards for our employees:

  • All our fact-checking staff;
    • Must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in working on any project and also to determine in advance whether working on a project might undermine our reputation for non-partisanship.
    • Must complete a declaration of personal interests before they start work at Logically Facts.
  • All staff members at Logically Facts;
    • Are obliged not to conduct any activity which might unduly damage Logically Facts' reputation, which includes damaging our reputation for non-partisanship.
    • Must agree to abstain from standing for any political office, publicly supporting any politician or party, or expressing on social media any interest in, affiliation to, or association with any political party, political candidate, or politically aligned movement.
0 Global Fact-Checks Completed